“You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”
- An old adage from old anonymous.
JACK ATTACKS! JACK RYAN’S MISGUIDED CRUSADE AGAINST BAREBACK PORN: Well, it’s either a crusade against bareback porn or me personally, I haven’t quite figured it out yet. Maybe you, constant reader, can help.
Jack Ryan was booked to appear at Cocktails with the Stars in late July and pulled out of his commitment due to the fact that his name and photo had appeared on the same ad as Drew Warner’s, who was a guest of the weekly show at Micky’s only days before he was to appear. Ryan sent out a mini-mass email to myself and industry insiders explaining that had he known he would be on an ad with someone who “produces” and “promotes” bareback videos, he would have never agreed to appear at such an event, while embarrassingly and ceaselessly shaming me and the Cocktails organization to these industry elite he CC’d, calling us, and me in particular, “irresponsible” in our efforts.
Immediately, there was an flood of emails to my inbox, namely pertaining to two clarifications, the first being that Drew Warner has never “produced” or “promoted” bareback videos, he merely did behind-the-scenes camera work for a Hot Desert Knights shoot and it was over two years ago, before this became such a controversial matter within the industry. Everyone knows that Warner did this, though it’s been long past forgotten by now, (I sure didn’t remember it!), and I certainly haven’t seen anyone else ostracizing him from the community – not even Jack Ryan for that matter, who hung out and made buddy-buddy with Warner at his studio during his live sex show on “JC TV Live,” just weeks before he was slated to appear at Cocktails. If Jack Ryan seemed beyond chummy with Drew Warner just weeks before, why the problem now?
Well, the second set of emails attempted to clarify that one – many being from respected directors and directrix in the sex biz, explaining that Jack Ryan has a history of making excuses to cancel commitments if another pops up that pays more. I was willing to believe this. He’d done it to me before, canceling his previous “JC TV Live” appearance with less than 48 hours for us to find a replacement. I mentioned this in my response to all of those industry elite that Jack Ryan had CC’d in his original email, much to his dismay. Was it to be the case this time? Who knows? Jack Ryan did, however, curiously end up traveling outside of Los Angeles for most of that week for various work functions.
Either way, I wasn’t really concerned. I emailed Jack back and told him that I respected his decision and that Micky’s has a policy against not booking people who “produce” or “promote” bareback porn. I apologized on behalf of the club for any inconvenience and mentioned that his magazine and club ads, all of which clearly mentioned his official web site, should hopefully give him some good promotion to make up for it.
Jack’s response was to remove him from my mailing list.
Weeks go by and I hear nothing from him. Until this lovely email I received yesterday evening, in which he cites the following from my News Desk column, written nearly six months back:
This latest ditty from [Jeff] Palmer, however, seems to have slipped through the cracks of most journalists, either because A. they don’t want to promote bareback sex or B. they feel everything that needs to be said was said when his HDK feature was released a few months back. So why am I mentioning it? Well, it’s been a slow news week and Jeff Palmer certainly isn’t sticking his cock in me – raw or well-done – so what do I care? I have to say that while I certainly don’t condone or support unsafe sexual practices, I do have to agree with what Matt Sizemore (who also recently went BB for HDK) said at the recent Grabby Awards about it being a performer’s personal choice, just as it is an individual’s personal choice. And to crucify performers for decisions such as these only adds more diversion and drama to an industry that has more than its share and no place throwing stones at other glass houses. Live and let live!
Jack Ryan writes below it: “The industry standard is to promote giving each other a deadly disease and slowing the possibility of a cure by causing the different strains of the virus to mutate when they interact with each other. Why don't you ask doctor for a quote instead of the actual pornstars who obviously have no medical knowledge, and sound like fools to any doctor or nurse. Keep it up, Jason. You are being a very responsible journalist and an accurate one I might add. Let’s take medical advice from unequalified people and put it out in the press. Makes YOU look brilliant.”
My response to him was as follows:
Jack, I don't know what your personal vendetta is against me as of late, but you are starting to sound like some crazy, obssessed fan, digging up old articles and giving me an opinion that I haven't asked for. My job as a journalist is to report upon the adult industry to the general public -- THAT is my responsibility. To expose all aspects of the industry - the good, the bad, and the ugly. If that means discussing or "promoting" a piece of bareback porn, that IS a part of our industry, Jack. No one had a problem with what I wrote above when I wrote it months ago and it was, in fact, published in Badpuppy and GASM magazines, it was so well received. This is the first I've ever heard against what I had to say.
If you are on some sort of crusade against bareback porn, I would highly suggest your time be put to better use focusing on Jeff Palmer's current publicist, or [other columnists] who promote bareback porn and have bareback performers as columnists on their web site every day -- as opposed to pointing a finger at me, as someone who has made mention or reference to the word "bareback" in porn twice in my life.
That is unless, of course, your crusade is merely against me -- in which case, I would highly suggest we do lunch and settle this thing politely, because childish and attacking emails like this will only provoke one to do the opposite of whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.
Either way, I can guarantee you -- you won't be changing anyone with that attitude. Any activist will tell you that it doesn't make YOU look brilliant.
I wish I could unsend that email, just to change one thing. Don’t go after Jeff Plamer’s publicist. Don’t go after another columnist that promotes bareback pornography daily on his site. Stopping people from writing about it, isn’t going to stop the act itself; it’s just going to conveniently make it look like it has gone away. If you want to make a difference or if you have an opinion and want to be heard, talk to the performers directly, or better yet, the producers. But whoever you talk to, you can rest assured that you’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Good luck, Jack!
Jack Ryan can be found at his official web site, www.jackryanxxx.com.