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July 18, 2005

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By Jason Adonis

Monthly Column Exclusively at JasonCurious.com

Column #5: ?Thanks For Cheering Me Up?

Today I was sitting at my computer trying to think of something to write about and suddenly I started getting IM?s from people I don?t know. After chatting with them for a few minutes I discovered that someone close to me had been using pictures of me, my family, house, dog, truck and several other things to hook up with people on the Internet. This was the last straw to a constant problem that I have had with this person.

He is someone that I have been very close to all of my life and now he has completely hurt me. I allowed him to live in my home with my family (rent free) and I never asked anything from him. While he was staying with me he was constantly in trouble with the law and I bailed him out of jail with not even a thank you in return. I also went out of my way to get this person club bookings and he was so unreliable that I had to stop.

Now I have discovered that he broke into my garage and stole property from me. I wanted to give him the benefit of doubt, but then he was caught red handed! This gave me no other choice but to get the authorities involved. The Sheriff?s department is pushing me to press charges on him but I just can?t bring myself to do so. Even after all of this I still have feelings for this person.

But after all of this, my fans always find a way to cheer me up. Here is an email I received that just made my day:

I am not sure if it?s really you who will be responding to this but better done something than nothing right? Anyway, ever since i first saw u in a movie i have thought to myself that you are one damn hot looking guy even rivaling alot of mainstream movie stars. Come on, don't be too modest you know u are hotter than alot of those movie stars.

You're column was pretty good and it tells ur fans what u have been up to lately.

I always thought u were a str8 guy. And i think thats the reason why i liked you more than other porn actors. Maxx Diesel is another guy i really like n he seems to be a str8 guy too. You get the pattern? I do wish you are str8. I am bi but porn actors like u, Maxx Diesel, Erik Rhodes can easily sway me to the other side (if u know what i mean).

Anyway have a good day and i will continue watching your movies.

Well, I think I should tell this person and everyone else out there what I have been working on recently. I just finished my new movie with AMG called Resurrection. I am really excited about the way I think the movie will turn out. I really enjoyed working with the director, Dennis Bell. I think everyone will be very happy with my performance in this movie since I finally go a chance to co-direct my own scenes. I know for a fact that all three of my awesome cum shots were caught on camera. So definitely check out this movie when it cums out!

I have several appearances scheduled over the next couple of months. First, I will be appearing at Cocktails in Chicago along with my new Jason Adonis Entertainment model Etian on Friday, July 22nd. Then we will both be appearing at Man?s Country in Chicago on Friday, July 29th and Saturday, July 30th. I have several other appearances lined up but we have not confirmed the dates yet. Keep watching my appearance schedule at www.jasonadonis.com.

One more thing I need to clear up again and again: DAVID FOREST IS NOT MY AGENT AND I DO NOT USE HIM FOR CLUB BOOKINGS. If anyone is interested in booking me they can contact me at jason@jasonadonis.com or jasonadonisent@aol.com.

Hope everyone has a great month!




Let Jason know what you thought of his column at jason@jasonadonis.com.

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