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July 21, 2005

Monthly Guest Columns

Jason Hawke, Monthly Guest Columnist

Jason Adonis, Monthly Guest Columnist

Tina Tyler, Monthly Guest Columnist

Bobby Brennan, Monthly Guest Columnist

Hannah Harper, Monthly Guest Columnist

Bret Wolfe, Monthly Guest Columnist

Allanah Starr, Monthly Guest Columnist

Ethan Marc, Monthly Guest Columnist
Monthly Guest Columns

Keith Allen, Monthly Guest Columnist

Aurora Snow, Monthly Guest Columnist

Billy Brandt, Monthly Guest Columnist

Brittany Andrews, Monthly Guest Columnist

Rhett O'Hara, Monthly Guest Columnist

Anthony Holloway, Monthly Guest Columnist

Mac Turner, Monthly Guest Columnist




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??Stand Back? is kind of about more than one thing. There was a lot going on. To be standing in a line? like a welfare line, you know? Waiting. Like waiting for money. Standing. In a line. It?s a very angry song. ? I can?t even tell you what it was about, really.?

- Stevie Nicks searching desperately for meaning in the cracked out lyrics to ?Stand Back.?

Gangsta Rush; Bret's Homecoming; South American Pictures' "Superfreak"; Ethan Makes Dreams Come True Tonight.



GANGSTA RUSH: It looks like Matthew Rush continues to go more and more mainstream with a new appearance in an indie film, stage play or legitimate magazine every week. This week he graces the pages of fab magazine, with a nearly nude layout that shows a side of Matthew we?ve never seen! Dripping with bling and sporting some facial hair, I?d say he looks about ready to make a hip hop album or endorse some sort of household cleaning product!

Matthew is of course a Falcon exclusive and currently stars in their biggest budget production of the year, Heaven to Hell, where he flip flops with Falcon brother Erik Rhodes. I was fortunate enough to be on the set for that one! Read the write up and see the photos in The Voyeur?s Log entry: Heaven to Hell.

Incidentally, I was just given the exclusive heads up from over at Falcon that Matthew and Erik will be reunited in [2] magazine later this month for a special layout shot during the production of Cross Country. The movie, slated to be Matthew?s next release, was shot entirely on location in New Zealand and will be Falcon?s annual ?two part destination,? due to land in your neck of the woods on September 21 st. Falcon will be pulling out all the stops on promotion for this one, including a sweepstakes that will give some lucky winner a trip for two to New Zealand!


BRET?S HOMECOMING: I received this lovely notice from Bret Wolfe last week, claiming he?s returning to his roots! And I don?t mean that he?s losing the blonde highlights. Although, I think he may have done that too.

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know for your various columns, respectively, that in late September I will be moving back to Los Angeles. I have loved Chicago a great deal but it is time for me to come home. I can?t wait to be surrounded by all my friends in Los Angeles and of course am saddened at the friends I will miss in Chicago. Thanks. Keep up the great work. Love you all.

My Best,

Bret Wolfe
GayVn and Grabby Award Winner


Bret, it will be good to have you back. I think the Fair is coming back to West Hollywood right around then, actually! We?ll have to go gorge on cotton candy, make fun of the carneys and ride the scrambler while pretending to be Liza and David, just like the good old days! ? ?Day-VID! The ssch-cramblah! HAH!?



SOUTH AMERICAN PICTURES? ?SUPERFREAK?: There?s good news and bad news about South American Pictures? new movie, Superfreak. I?m one of those people who always wants the bad news first so that?s what you?re gonna get.

The models in Superfreak are a real step backwards for South American Pictures. These are the kind of boys they were using when they started up the company and in the past few months, all of their releases have been action packed with some of the hottest boys their corner of the globe probably has to offer! Not so much the case with Superfreak.

The good news, however, is that fans of versatility will probably enjoy the movie. The first two scenes are flip flops where both the tops and the bottoms seem equally adept. The chemistry here is good and the action is hard and hot -- we?ve just seen a better looking crop from the studio lately!

Lovers of the jail cell fantasy will enjoy the movie?s fist scene between two Latinos and there?s an interesting finale with a doctor taking advantage of his patient that?s sure to bring out the super freak in you.

South American Pictures? Superfreak is now available on DVD at 20% OFF! in the Curious Corner Store.




ETHAN MAKES DREAMS COME TRUE TONIGHT: A dream come true for me tonight, I will be hosting Cocktails with the Stars at Micky?s in West Hollywood with special guest Ethan Marc. I say this is a dream come true because, as constant readers will remember, I had the biggest crush on Ethan years before I got involved in the gay porn industry. He was one of the few people I was dying to meet when I came aboard this ship and I was heartbroken to find that he was out of the business. Now making a fierce return starring in some of the biggest companies biggest productions of the year, Ethan is truly back and will be all mine for one night? well, and yours too, I guess. Come out and see him! He?s giving away copies of his movies and autographing photos from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm.


This Week:



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